Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some of our most common questions we receive.
Do your Tiny Bibles contain the entire Bible?
Yes! Unlike other miniature bibles on the market, our Tiny Bibles contain more than just certain passages or excerpts; they contain the 66 books of the Bible in their entirety — all of the Old and New Testament.
Even with the lens it’s a struggle to read! What can I do?
With young eyes you can read Tiny Bible without a lens at all (here’s a video demonstrating) but the lens helps readers of all ages. It’s natural to want to use the lens as a regular magnifying glass, but you’ll actually get much better results if you treat it as a monocle. We recommend bringing the lens up to your eye, almost touching your eyelash or reading glasses, and then bringing in the Bible until it comes into focus. That will optimize its readability.
Why is there so much margin around the edges of the page?
We fought hard to reduce the whitespace around the edges. Every printer we talked to (the best in the world!) insisted that a 5mm gutter is the bare minimum they needed to be able to produce it. Otherwise there’s the danger of the text getting cut off. We actually made our printer make one with our proposed 2mm margin and the second photo here demonstrates what happens.
Is there a way you can lower the cost of Tiny Bible?
Because of its size, Tiny Bible has to be bound by hand. The only real way to get Tiny Bible’s cost substantially reduced would be to make a bigger Bible. The fixed costs of producing Tiny Bible are much higher than most people imagine. That being said, if you’re wanting to purchase Tiny Bible in bulk, we are able to offer modest discounts off our retail price. Please contact us!
Were do you print Tiny Bibles?
We love supporting domestic companies and when we began researching how to produce these miniature bibles, we sought after US-based printers who could meet our specifications. After talking with numerous printers, we discovered that none of the domestic folding and binding machines were equipped to handle book blocks as small as ours. As we expanded our search to Europe, we found the same thing there. Some places could print it, but nobody could bind it. Ultimately, we found one printer who could do the entire process: R.R. Donnelly in their Asia facility. RRD Asia wasn't our first choice, but after getting declined elsewhere, we had to make a hard decision whether to print there or not print at all. We ultimately decided to move forward. The employees at RRD Asia are treated well — they take vacation time and the working conditions are humane.
Are you a legit company or a fly-by-night internet scam?
Though we have humble beginnings, we’re a real company and by God’s grace we are not going anywhere. While we don’t publicly advertise a business phone number, we do respond to our contact form consistently, we fulfill our orders as advertised, and we have a real brick-and-mortar office unit in Bixby, Oklahoma. Tiny Bibles is a Limited Liability Company registered in the state of Oklahoma, and our Dun & Bradstreet No (DUNS No.) is 107527565.
Will you ever offer other English Bible translations besides the KJV and NKJV?
Yes! We are under contract with The Lockman Foundation to print Tiny Bible in the NASB 1995 and hope to offer this in 2025. We have another translation or two that we have our eye on as well — but one at a time.
Will you offer Tiny Bible in other languages such as Arabic or Simplified Chinese?
We would love to offer Tiny Bible in languages of countries that heavily censor the Bible. Arabic and Simplified Chinese are top of the list. The hurdle is cost. If you are interested in partnering with us to offer missions-based Tiny Bibles at the cost of production, let's get in touch.